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Section 1. (Members)

Any owner of legal title of record to any lot within the limits of Ruskin Heights and Ruskin Village subdivisions of land in Jackson County, Misouri, which lot has or shall hereafter be legally or equitably restricted and subjected to the "Homes Association Declaration" recorded in the Offices of the Recorder of Deeds of Jackson County, Missouri or any extension thereof, shall be a member of this Association.

Section 2. (Title held by a married person)

In case legal title to any improved lot in the subdivision is held by a member who is married, he/she may designate in writing his/her spouse as a member instead, and he/she upon filing such writing with the Secretary of the Association become a member.

SECTION 3. (Title held by joint Tenants or by Tenants in Common)

In case the legal title to any improved lot is in the Subdivision is held by more than one person is any form of joint tenancy or tenancy in common, the owners thereof shall be a member but shall jointly have the right to cast only one vote for each vacancy to be filled at any election or on any question, or such owners may, if they prefer, designate in writing one of them as a member in their stead who shall upon filing such writing with the Secretary of the Association become a member.
Where a petition is signed, or ballot or vote cast by any one of the persons comprising a member under this section, it shall be assumed that the person so signing or voting did so with authority of all other persons comprising the member.

SECTION 4. (Title held by a minor)

In case of the legal title to any improved lot in the subdivision is held by one or more minors, then their natural or legal guardian shall be a member. If there be more than one such guardian they shall jointly have the right to cast only one vote for each vacancy to be filled at any election or on any question, or such guardian may, if they prefer, designate in writing one of them as a member in their stead, and he shall upon filing such writing with the Secretary of the Association become a member.

Section 5. (Title held by a corporation)

In case the title to any improved lot in the Subdivision is held a member which is a corporation , then the Board of Directors of such corporation, or its president, or its vice-president, may designate in writing one of its officers, members, or employees as its member representative, who shall upon filing such writing with the Secretary of the Association become a member.

Section 6. (Voting Rights)

All voting rights shall be vested exclusively in the owners of improved property and the owners of improved property or their duly accredited representative as herein provided shall have the right to cast but one vote for each improved lot he, it, or they own or owns, regardless of the number of square feet in said lot or lots. Improved property is defined as a lot which has a completed dwelling unit constructed thereon.

Section 7 (Tenure of membership)

Membership in this Association may continue only during the ownership of any lot within the Subdivision by the member or person or party whom he represents as herein provided.

Section 8. (Membership fees)

No fees or charges shall be made for the priviledge of membership beyond the charge or assessment set forth in the "Homes Association Declaration" and the Articles of Incorporation of the "Ruskin Heights Homes Association, Inc."

Section 9. (List of Members)

The Secretary of the Association shall keep a correct list of all members and their last known addresses. All members shall notify the Secretary of any changes of address. Such list shall be confidential property of the Association.

Section 10. (Members in good standing)

Membership in the Association is in good standing when the member's current assessment is paid.


Ruskin Heights Homes Association * PO 9697* Kansas City * Mo 64134


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