March 29, 2005
Calendar of Events:
April 3-Daylight Savings Time Begins.
5- VOTING DAY- choose responsibly.
7-Ruskin Hills Meeting,7pm,Hillcrest Comm Center.
12-Ruskin HEIGHTS Meeting,7pm,Hillcrest Comm Center.
18-BULKY PICK-UP for Hills, Heights and Village.
20- Southern Comm Coalition, 7pm, Baptiste Ed Center.
22-EARTH DAY- plant a tree.
25- Leaf & Limb Curb side pick-up for Heights and Village starts.
SMA-CCO--St Matthew's Apostle hosts CCO,7pm, St Matthews.
Absentee Voting will NOT be at Hillcrest Community Center for the upcoming election April 5. Call downtown at 842-4820
for instructions on what to do. Watch your mail for your Voting Cards. There have been many changes.
The Saturdays in April the Filling Station Restuarant will be hosting a Hills & Heights Swap N Shop from 8AM -2PM.
Bring your own tables to the back parking lot and have a good time.
Leaf & Brush drop-off site at 470 and Raytown Road is open only on Saturdays from 8am-4pm. Please help your neighbors
as we try to clean up for spring. The Summer Home of the Month will be starting soon, so it is not to early to begin.
With summer approaching keep up on the Triangle news and other MODOT Construction. city or
These sites may help you get around the construction. Stay alert, buckle up, follow signs and remember that "The Difference
is YOU! Drive Smart!"
Starting May 3, all of Ruskin Heights and Village will have the same trash day-Tuesdays. May 3 will also be our first
Bin-Recycle Day. Stay alert to your coupons in the mail. Spread the word to your neighbors.
Grandview Downtown Farmers Market will begin Saturday May 7 on the NE corner of Main & 8th Street. Call the Farmers
Market Manager at 405-5561 or the Community Development Dept at 316-4820 for more info. This is a great chance to get fresh
produce as well as visit.
Our website is for the latest news about our community.
" Hate is like acid. It can damage the vessel in which it is stored as well as destroy the object on which it is
poured." Ann Landers
April Cushing
March 22, 2005
Calendar of Events:
March 28-St Matthew's CCO-7pm,St Matthew's Apostle, 8001 Longview Rd.
April 3-Daylight Savings Time starts-check your smoke alarms.
7-Ruskin Hills Meeting, 7pm,Hillcrest Comm Center.
12-Ruskin HEIGHTS Meeting,7pm, Hillcrest Comm Center.
18- BULKY Pick-up for Heights, Village and Hills.
20- Southern Comm Coalition, 7pm, Baptiste Ed Center.
22-Earth Day-plant a tree!
Ruskin Heights agenda for April 12 will include our Community Prosecutor, and the Recycle Coordinator from Environmental
Management to give us the in's and out's of Recycling. WE START THE PROGRAM MAY 3 for ALL of Heights and Village with bin
pick-up also that day. Everyone will have the same trash day-TUESDAY. Security will also be addressed as we examine two proposals
for service. Home loan information will also be available. Come and join us for the Latest news.
Every Sat in April the Filling Station Resturant will host a Hills & Heights Swap n Shop. There will be free hot dogs,
soda, a clown and even a live band. Bring your own tables from 8am-2pm in the back parking lot.They will also have shrimp-all
you care to eat- for $10.00. Come on down for a good time.
Absentee Voting will NOT be at Hillcrest Comm Center for the upcoming election April 5. Call downtown at 842-4820 for
instructions on what to do. Watch you mail for your Voting Cards. There have been many changes so double check your card for
the correct polling place.
Community Assistance Council (CAC) is in need of personal care products(soap, toilet paper) and mac n cheese, spaghetti
and sauce. Any help would be appreciated. They are located at 10901 Blue Ridge Blvd, mon-fri,9-1.
Check the many end of month activities at Hillcrest Comm Center. The Senior Dance Fri March 25, Egg Hunt March 26, and
other activities are great opportunities to make new friends. Call the Center at 784-7000 for more details.
Bannister Recycle Center will have a Plant/Seed Exchange May 11-14. Start planning now for best results. Don't forget
they take items the curb-side truck does not like athletic shoes, egg cartons,scrap metal,glass,and old bikes.
Our website is : for the latest information hot off the press.
...Only those who risk going too far will ever know how far they can go.
April Cushing
March 15, 2005
Calendar of Events:
March 18-Hillcrest Comm Center Family Night,6-8pm,The Center.
BULKY PICK-UP for Heights ,Village and HIlls.
19-Leaf & Brush at 470 & Raytown Rd OPENS. Sat ONLY 8-4.
21-25 CSD-1 Spring Break.
24-Hillcrest Comm Center Advisory Council,6:30pm, The Center.
25-Hillcrest Comm Center Senior Dance,12:30-2:30,The Center, $3.00/person.
26-Easter Egg Hunt, Hillcrest Comm Center,10-noon, ages 3-10. Bring your own basket.
28-SMA-Church Comm Org,7pm, St Matthew Apostle,8001 Longview Rd.
APRIL 3-Daylight Savings Time. "Spring ahead" and check your smoke alarms.
7-Ruskin HILLS Meeting,7pm, Hillcrest Comm Center.
12-Ruskin HEIGHTS Meeting,7pm, Hillcrest Comm Centr.
18-BULKY PICK-UP for Heights ,Village and Hills.
Hillcrest Community Center has many activities this month for all ages. Family Night starts things off with fun, games
and snacks to foster "family time". The Seniors will have a dance with the Big Band sound on the last Friday of
the month. Don't forget the Easter Egg Hunt Saturday,March 26 from 10am-noon for 3-10 year olds. Bring your own basket! Blue
cards can continue till a decision is made.
Health Levy Information that was covered at our last meeting stated that our rate would go from .50 to .72 per $100 of
assessed value. This increase would help fund the rising cost of health care to the poor. The funds would
go between Truman Medical Center, MAST and 5 neighborhood clinics. Consider this when you vote responsibly April 5.
Community Assistance Council is in need of personal care items(shampoo,soap, toilet paper,etc) and macaroni and cheese,spaghetti
and sauce. They are open mon-fri 9am-1pm. Shares are a good way to stretch your food dollars. By purchasing in bulk Heartand
Shares can help in these tough times.
Ruskin High website can be reached through Many exciting activities are coming before the end of
the school year, Concerts, a Spring Play and important dates for parents.
With the soon change to Daylight Savings Time don't forget to check your smoke alarms. The life you save may be your own.
Nicer days are on the horizon-watch for children at play. Our Summer Yard of the Month will be starting up again. Planning
and cleaning now will give rewards as it warms. Good Luck.
A smile is contagious; be a carrier. ....April Cushing
March 8, 2005
Calendar of Events:
March 8-Ruskin Heights Home Assoc,7pm, Hillcrest Comm Center.
16-Southern Comm Coalition,7pm, Baptiste Ed Center.
18-HCC Family Night,6-8pm, Hillcrest Center.
BULKY PICK-UP for Heights ,Village and Hills.
19-Leaf and Brush 470 & Raytown Rd-OPENS:8-4 Sat ONLY.
24-Hillcrest Center Adisory Council 6:30pm, Center.
28-St Matthew's CCO,7pm, St Matthew's Apostle.
**March 19-Leaf & Brush will open at 470 & Raytown Rd from 8-4, Saturdays ONLY.** HCC-Family Night will be March
Madness. There will be crafts, games and snacks. Use this FREE oportunity to have quality family time.
FREE Federal & State Tax Preparation for individuals with incomes of $36,000 or below. Call the United Way Infomation
& Referral line at 816-474-5112.
Our website is : Office e'dress is :
The Adult Police Academy is going well. Last week we learned about 911 calls and how they are dispatched.More is yet to
Follow up to the CCO Action last month was very positive. Thanks again to all who helped with our "show of support".
Each small step adds up to real progress.
Don't forget Southern Comm Coalition next Wed(3/16),7pm at Baptiste Ed Center. The School Board Candidates will be there
for questions & answers before the election. Get informed and meet the Candidates.
For those who missed it in last weeks paper, the Clark-Ketterman Park on 107th St will re-open this year.A special partnership
between Hickman Mills School Distrit, Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater KC, and Parks & Rec will make team play possible.
A $25.00 participation fee will also include a one year membership to Boys & Girls Club. Co-ed teams for 5-7 year olds
and regular teams for boys 8-18 and girls 8-14.
CAC Food Pantry is in need of : toilet paper, macaroni & cheese, and bar soap. Any donation is always appreciated.CAC
is located at 10901 Blue Ridge Blvd with hours: Mon-Fri,9am-1pm.
As always remain vigilent about home security. These nice spring days we tend to open our windows. Just be sure everything
is locked back.
***Remember trash BAGS at the CURB.****
You can either complain that rose bushes have thorns - or rejoice that thorn bushes have roses. ......April Cushing
March 1, 2005
Calendar of Events:
March 3-Ruskin HILLS Meeting, 7pm, Hillcrest Comm Center.
6- Litter Index Class, noon-4pm, Hillcrest Comm Center.
8-RUSKIN HEIGHTS HOME ASSOC 7pm, Hillcrest Comm Center.
16-Southern Comm Coalition, 7pm, Baptiste Ed Centr.
18-Hillcrest Comm Center Family Night 6-8pm, Comm Center.
BULKY PICK-UP for Hills, Heights and Village.
24-Hillcrest Comm Center Adv Council-6:30 pm, Hillcrest Community Center.
28 CCO Meeting at St Matthews Apostle, 7pm.
FREE Federal/State Tax Preparation. This service is provided by the KC CASH Coalition for taxpayers with incomes that
are less than $36,000 and meet certain other criteria. For info or to see if you qualify for this free serice call the United
Way Info and Referral line at 816-474-5112.
Litter Index class is Sun, March 6,2005 from noon to 4pm at Hillcrest Comm Center. Keep KC-Beautiful Litter Control Grant
was awarded to Ruskin Hills and Heights in a joint effort to improve our area. Learning how the litter index is determined
will be needed in helping us track our progress. Call the office today to join our "team".
Lunch is served at Hillcrest Comm Center (10401 Hillcrest Rd) on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of each week for $1.00/Senior
or $3.75 for a guest. This is a great time to visit your neighbor. HCC also hosts a Senior Dance the last Friday of the month
from 12:30 -2:30 pm for $3.00 per person to cover the band. The big band sound is a real treat. For more information call
the Center at 784-7000. They will hold an EASTER EGG HUNT on Saturday, March 26, from 10am-noon for 3-10 year olds. Be sure
to bring your own basket!
Our website is: or you can e-mail us at: .
The next RHHA Meeting on Tuesday, March 8, will have many interesting speakers. Our agenda will include: the new Community
Prosecutor, Block Watch start-up info,recycling tips, a school representative, and someone to talk about the upcoming Health
Levy issue on the ballot. There will be a door prize. Come out and meet your neighbor and get informed.
There are many opportunities to become involved in our community. Our aim is to make this a cooperative VILLAGE that is
a desirable place to live--not just a temporary stop-over to somewhere else. Help us turn our area around.
Recycle info from the City will be delivered 4-6 weeks prior to our start date of May 1. More info on day of the week
and recycle schedule will be coming soon. The website listed last week for Recycle FIRST does NOT work. Go to our website
for the direct link to the working site through environmental management.
Don't forget that South Patrol is establishig an Explorer Post for young men and women from 14-18 who maintain a 2.0 gpa.
Meetings will be at Hillcrest Com Center. Call South Patrol at 816-482-8275.
February 22, 2005
Calendar of Events:
Feb 24- Hillcrest Comm Center Advisory Council, 6:30pm, Comm Center.
28- St Matthews CCO- 7pm, St Matthews Apostle.
March 3- Ruskin HILLS Meeting,7pm, Comm Center.
8-Ruskin HEIGHTS Meeting ,7pm, Comm Center.
16- Southern Comm Coalition,7pm, Baptiste Ed Center.
18- BULKY PICK-UP for Hills Heights and Village.
Hillcrest Comm Center Family Night,6-8pm, Comm Center.
City services are being examined with a fine tooth comb. That is to say every service, the few we do have in our area,
are all being looked at by the City Manager. Call the Mayor , City Council, City Manager, and anyone connected to the City
you know. Let them know we appreciate the services we have:K-Mart/Bannister Recycle Center, Hillcrest Comm Center, Comm Assistance
Council,South Patrol and our Fire Station.
Mayor 513-3500
City Council 513-1368
City Manager 513-1408
Chuck Eddy 513-1615
Alvin Brooks 513-1602
City Hall 513-3600
Citizen Police Academy is held twice a year for 10 weeks with meetings once a week from 6:30-9:30pm. The next class starts
MARCH 1,2005. Pre-registration is required. Get forms at the Office or from PO Jason White at South Patrol 234-5550. This
will lead into our Block Watch Program. So anyone interested please call TODAY.
Our new WEBSITE is: or Search: Ruskin Heights Homes Association. It is growing daily and has lots
of Association and Community News, phone numbers, and important information links. Check it out and give us feedback. To contact
the office our email is:
The second billing cycle is going out. All deliquent accounts have been assessed interest. There is no excuse. Legal action
will be taken on all excessive accounts.
City Leaf & Brush Pick-Up will be April 25. Remember no more than 15 paper bags or bundles of sticks. Mark your calendars.
Remember trash will be ONE DAY LATE, due to President's Day Feb 21.
Thought for the week: "I can resist everything except temptation."
Oscar Wilde ....April Cushing
February 16, 2005
Calendar of Events:
Feb 24- Hillcrest Comm Center Advisory Council, 6:30pm, Comm Center.
28- St Matthews CCO- 7pm, St Matthews Apostle.
March 3- Ruskin HILLS Meeting,7pm, Comm Center.
8-Ruskin HEIGHTS Meeting ,7pm, Comm Center.
16- Southern Comm Coalition,7pm, Baptiste Ed Center.
18- BULKY PICK-UP for Hills Heights and Village.
Hillcrest Comm Center Family Night,6-8pm, Comm Center.
City services are being examined with a fine tooth comb. That is to say every service, the few we do have in our area,
are all being looked at by the City Manager. Call the Mayor , City Council, City Manager, and anyone connected to the City
you know. Let them know we appreciate the services we have:K-Mart/Bannister Recycle Center, Hillcrest Comm Center, Comm Assistance
Council,South Patrol and our Fire Station.
Mayor 513-3500
City Council 513-1368
City Manager 513-1408
Chuck Eddy 513-1615
Alvin Brooks 513-1602
City Hall 513-3600
Citizen Police Academy is held twice a year for 10 weeks with meetings once a week from 6:30-9:30pm. The next class starts
MARCH 1,2005. Pre-registration is required. Get forms at the Office or from PO Jason White at South Patrol 234-5550. This
will lead into our Block Watch Program. So anyone interested please call TODAY.
Our new WEBSITE is: or Search: Ruskin Heights Homes Association. It is growing daily and has lots
of Association and Community News, phone numbers, and important information links. Check it out and give us feedback. To contact
the office our email is:
The second billing cycle is going out. All deliquent accounts have been assessed interest. There is no excuse. Legal action
will be taken on all excessive accounts.
City Leaf & Brush Pick-Up will be April 25. Remember no more than 15 paper bags or bundles of sticks. Mark your calendars.
Remember trash will be ONE DAY LATE, due to President's Day Feb 21.
Thought for the week: "I can resist everything except temptation."
Oscar Wilde ....April Cushing
Feb 9, 2005
Calendar of Events:
Feb 16-Southern Comm Coalition,7pm at Baptiste Ed Center.
18-HCC Family Night, 6-8pm at Hillcrest Com Center.
- BULKY pick-up for Ruskin Heights, Village and Hills.
24-HCC Advisory Council-6:30pm at Hillcrest Com Center.
28-St Matthews Apostle CCO-7pm at SMA,8001 Longview Rd.
March 3-Ruskin Hills Meeting,7pm at Hillcrest Comm Center.
8-RUSKIN HEIGHTS HOMES ASSOC,7pm at Hillcrest Comm Center.
The CCO Action Monday evening had over 500 individuals attending a 'show of support' at St Therese. The Mayor, City Manager,
and many City Council members were asked for their cooperation and support for the Home Repair/Improvement Grant. Accountability
was the word of the evening. Thanks to all who attended from our area. Our Voice Does Count.
Hillcrest Community Center has a Nature Club for 6-10 year olds on Sat mornings from 11-noon. They start Feb 5 and run
through April 30th. There is a $2.00 charge per class, but should prove to be interesting. Family Night will be Feb 18 from
6-8pm. This is a fun filled evening of family games, activities and snacks. Take time for your family today because they grow
up so fast. Kids Interested in Developing Arts/craft Skills is offered after school from 4:30-6pm for grades 1-7. Open to
all grade-schoolers interested in arts and crafts. Summer Camp in the Park will be from June 13-Aug 19, monday-friday from
8:30am-5:30pm. Many activities will be planned and hot lunches provided. It is never too early to reserve your spot today.
Silver Sneakers is a senior program through Humana Health Services based on conditioning and strength training. Call the center
for more details at 784-7000.
Don't forget our Library. The Blue Ridge Branch of Mid-Continent Pubic Library is located at 9253 Blue Ridge Blvd (816)761-3382.
Operating Mon-Sat opening at 9am each day, closing 9pm mon-thurs, 6pm on fridays and 5pm on saturdays. They have different
StoryTimes for youngsters. Saturday Science Fun for grades 1-6 at 2pm. Other choices include: Craft Times, Reading Aloud Family
Time, Adult Book Clubs on various topics and even classes on internet use, counted cross-stitch and geneology. Check it out.
It is not only for students, but a great "vacation" spot without leaving the area. Travel the world, meet people,
read a new magazine or just catch up on the news in a friendly atmosphere. Call or check out their many services today.
Limbs from the recent storm are still a sore issue. The City wil NOT pick them up and our L&B Site at 470 & Raytown
Rd. is closed till later in March. Please continue to call with complaints to :
Mayor:513-3500, City Manager:513-1408, City Hall 513-3600, Chuck Eddy 513-1615. The more calls, the better.
Trash will be one day late the week of Feb 21 for President's Day. Mark your calendars.
Our website is: Check out our Community and the latest news concerning our area. TRASH will NOT
be picked-up out of barrels or cans. ONLY bags at the curb one time a week with a limit of 8 bags. Start thinking recycling.
It will be here soon.
Thought of the Week:
Each new day is a fresh start, leaving behind the disappointments of yesterday. Each small step forward accumulates to
become a new path leading us to a better tomorrow. April Cushing
Feb 2, 2005
Calendar of Events:
Feb 3-Ruskin HILLS Meeting,7pm, Hillcrest Comm Center.
7-CCO Action of Support at St. Therese. Meet at St Mathews by 6pm for travel arrangements.
8-RUSKIN HEIGHTS HOMES ASSOC Meeting-7pm, Hillcrest.
16-Southern Comm Coalition-Baptiste Ed Center-7pm.
18-BULKY pick-up for Hills, Heights & Village.
24 HCC Adv Council-6:30pm, Hillcrest.
28-St Mathews CCO-7pm at St Mathews Apostle.
Church Community Organization (CCO) has organized a show of support for the City of KC to allocate $3 million in a Community
Development Block Grant to be used for home repair and improvement. Get behind this ACTION. For a bus seat from St Mathews,
8001 Longview Rd, Mon Feb 7 call Marianne at 761-3652. St Therese is located at 59th and Euclid. Meet us at St Mathews by
6pm for travel arrangements. See you there.
The Christmas Light Winners are:Anita McGroarty at 10923 Bristol, Dale & Brenda Sharp at 7608 E. 110th St, Roger &
Joyce Holdren at 7102 E. 112th St,Mary Brunch at 10910 Ewing Ave,Jean Adams 75009 E 111th Terr,Mike & Susan Houghtlin
at 10736 Cambridge Ave, Leanne Srader at 6806 E 114th Terr, Darrell & Judith Luce at 10704 Ewing Ave, Mervyn & Betty
Morain at 7601 E 108th St. Congradulations to all who participated. As in all of our contests to win you have to be in good
standing, that means dues have to be current. It is not too early to plan for our Summer Beautification Yard of the Month
Recycling News: Ruskin Heights and Village will not start curb-side service until end of April. Till then all the following
materials can be taken to our Center at K-Mart & Bannister: aluminum cans,foil and pie pans, athletic shoes, cell phones
and pagers, clothing donations,computer parts- for a fee, corrugated cardboard, egg cartons, household batteries, glass bottles
and jars, magazines, mixed office paper, PHONE BOOKS,plastic bottles and jars #1 & #2, plastic newspaper sleeves, shredded
office paper,small usable household items, packing peanuts,srap metal, tin cans,toner and inkjet cartridges. They are open
wed-fri 11am-5:30pm and sat 8am-4pm. During all the City budget evaluations we want to make sure City Hall knows we appreiate
the Recycling Center here close to our comunity. Please call Mayor Kay Barnes at 816-513-3500 or the City Council at 816-513-1368.
Ruskin Heights Home Association has a WEB-SITE full of news at: . Read the important news about our community,services available, important phone numbers, and related
links. Check us out on the WEB.
If street lights are out: get the location and number off the pole and call the office. For those that answered the call
on vacant houses -thank you. A follow up note will be sent soon to those who sent addresses in tell about the houses. We have
approximately 40-50 homes in our area that change hands each month. Many forclosures take time to get cleaned up, but don't
give up hope. Progress is being made.
Thought of the Week: It's much too early to give up on a good project, but never too early to start over! April Cushing
Jan 27, 2005
Southern Comm Coalition at Baptiste Ed Center,5401 E. 103rd St,was very informative as usual. This is an important public
forum for what is happening in South KC. We meet DANIELLE LIZOTTE, our new Community Prosecutor assigned to South Patrol.
CRIME reports are consistent. Be vigillent and CALL 911 on people who are loitering. Dr. MARJORIE WILLIAMS from the School
Board wanted all to know WE ARE ACREDITTED. Construction is going well. New playgrounds will be put at some of the elementary
schools with nicer restroom facilities at the football field. They are making progress on the A+ program at Ruskin. This is
a special opportunity for our students. More on this will be explained next week.The schools website for school closing and
other news is .
The Christmas light contest winners will be announced next week.
SOUTH PATROL is proud to help with an Explorer/Youth Police Academy Post. If you are between 14-18 you may be eligible.
Call 816-482-8275 or and click on Explorer for more information.
Don't forget our K-MART RECYCLE Center. They are open wed-fri 11-5:30 and sat 8-4 to take your glass, scrap metal, egg
cartons, cat litter buckets, and old athletic shoes.
Next sat is the last winter drop-off day for L&B at 470 and Raytown Rd. Be sure to take advantage of these nicer days
to get your tree limbs ready. After Sat Jan 29 the L&B will close till March.
Church Community Organization (CCO) has organized a show of support for the City of KC to allocate $3 million in a Community
Development Block Grant to be used for home repair and improvements. Get behind this ACTION.Call for a bus seat from St Mathews
Apostle, 8001 Longview Rd, MON,FEB 7. Call Marianne at 761-3652 to reserve a seat to St Theres at 59th & Euclid. Be at
St Mathews Apostle by 6pm for travel arrangements. See you there.
Thought of the Week: Through pain, hurt and disappointment our VISION dies. May WE HEAL THE HURTS and gain a NEW VISION.
A VISION of UNITY and PROGRESS. April Cushing
Jan 20, 2005
Security: The cold weather has slowed the frequency of incidents but still be vigilent. Report suspicious people to 911.
BLOCK Watch has been attempting to get new signs to put up in our area. If you are interested in this area call the office
and come to our next meeting.We have lots of new ideas and someone who will help coordinate us.
Comm Assistance Council says "Thank You" to all who helped with Thanksgiving and Christmas activities. They
were able to help 168 families (602 individuals) with a new gift, food, gloves,and hats. Caring & sharing starts around
us. Support the CAC today-it may be of help to you tomorrow. "Souper" Bowl Sunday- collections of canned soups,
noodles, spag sauce, and other personel items would be appreciatd. They are also a resource number for other community services.
Their number is 763-3277.
TREE LIMBS- after much research and calling the City will NOT help us on any pick-up. The material needs to be take to
Leaf & Brush at 470 & Raytown Rd the next two saturdays. We need to work together and help each other.
REMEMBER: Bills have been sent out. If you haven't gotten one call the office. Late fees will be assessed after Jan 31.NO
EXCUSES. Trash bags only at the curbs no barrels or cans. Stickers haven't been put on the barrels yet, but please pass the
word. There was a large amount of BULKY out early this month. Only put it out the day before.
Thought of the Week: Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go. William Feathers
April Cushing
Jan 11, 2005
Remember:Ruskin Heights Homes Assoc. follows the Snow Policy for Hickman Mills District (CSD-1).
TRASH is ONLY in bags at the curb. No barrels or cans.
Dues will be late by end of Jan. NO EXCUSES.
Monitor the cold weather. DO NOT park on Snow Routes.They are cleaned first. Be patient with the rest.
KCPL number for lights off is : 1-888-KCPL-OUT.
Tree Limb pick-up number for KC is: 513-7592
Confussion makes the World go around. Stratford Estates AND Ruskin HILLS are recycling, NOT Ruskin HEIGHTS or VILLAGE.
Be ALERT to the borders.
CAC (Community Assistance Council): Is preparing for "Soup-er" Bowl Sunday by collecting cans of soup for its
pantry. They are also in need of personal hygiene items, spag noodles and sauce. Any help would be appreciated. If you do
any community service and want to stretch your food dollars, ask about the SHARE program. Call 763-3277 M-F, 9-1 for more
HCC News:The Center has a warm and safe place to walk and many more activities. Drive by and check them out or call 784-7000
to see what is happening.
K-Mart Recycle Center: They will take worn athletis shoes, glass of all kinds, egg cartons, styro peanuts, cat litter
buckets,paper,cardboard, and even paper shredd.There is always something new. Drop off hours are Wed-Fri 11am-5:30 and Saturday
8am-4. Thank Ms Jackie for her efforts and let the City Officials know how priviledged we are to have this center in our neighborhood,
and how important it is to our community.(Chuck Eddy 513-1615, Alvin Brooks 513-1602 and the Mayor's Office 513-3500.)
Hickman CSD-1: Progress is being made on all construction. Thanks again to our community for "putting children first".
Watch for children playing on snow days. Take extra time with your children this semester. They are doing double work-studing
normal studies and also preparing for the state tests. Contact your teacher with any concerns.
Thought of the Week: Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go....William Feather.
Stay warm and safe....April Cushing
January 4, 2005
Jan 11-RHHA Board Meeting,7pm at Hillcrest Comm Center.
15- Leaf and Brush at 470 & Raytown -last day of season.
18-Bulky Pick-up for Ruskin Heights and Ruskin Village.
19-Southern Comm Coalition at 7pm at Baptiste Ed Center.
21-Hillcrest Com Center Family Night, 6-8pm at the Center.
24-St Mathews CCO-7pm at St Mathews Apostle, 8001 Longview.
27- Hillcrest Comm Center-Adv Council-6:30pm at the Center.
Feb 8-RHHA Board Meeting,7pm at Hillcrest Comm Center.
DON'T FORGET-trash bags at the curb. No longer can we have barrels or cans to hold the bags.Bulky for our area will be
the 18. Put materials out just prior to pick-up date.
SNOW POLICY for meetings: If Hickman (CSD-1) does NOT have school we will NOT meet either.
Dues are due and payable through Jan, then a late fee will be added with NO excuses.
HILLCREST COMM CENTER News: New classes are starting back up with mom & tot exercise, staied glass, GED prep, and
FREE Senior(over 50)WALKING. This is one of our best kept secrets. Call and check them out at 784-7000.
Cold weather is not kind to anyone. Please check your neighbors and pets.
Vacant home report: If you have a vacant house next to you or on your street let the office know. Our security will pay
closer attention to areas of vacant homes for your security as well as the vacant house.
Crimes of all kinds are up. Don't take chances. Watch for your neighbors and report loiters. Call 911 if you don't recognize
them. Children should be in school.We need to compile more accurate stats on our area.The only way is to call. Whether a quick
response is possible or not, still call.
Thought of the week: Surviving and living your life successfully requires courage. The goals and dreams you're seeking
requires courage and risk-taking. Learn from the turtle- it only makes progress when it sticks out its neck. April Cushing
December 28, 2004
Jan 1-Trash will be in bags ONLY,NO cans or barrels.Same day pick-up with up to 8 bags total. No Recycling till March.
11-RHHA Board Meeeting,7pm at Hillcrest Com Center.
15-Leaf and Brush -last day of season.
18-Bulky Pick-up in R Heights and R Village.
19-Southern Comm Coalition meets at 7pm at Baptiste Ed Center.
21 Hillcrest Comm Center Family Night at Center from 6-8pm.
24-St Mathews CCO- 7pm at St Mathews Apostle, 8001 Longview Rd.
27-Hillcrest Comm Center Adv Council meets at 6:30pm at the Center.
Feb 8- RHHA Board Meeting,7pm at Hillcrest Comm Center.
Beginning Jan 1 our trash company will ONLY take BAGS. No loose trash in cans or bags in cans. Remember only trash bags
on the curb.
Christmas trees can be dropped off at Leaf & Brush at 470 & Raytown Rd Saturdays through Jan 15. This will be
the last day for access until Spring.
Statements have been sent. If you have not received one-call the office. With extra payment time this year there will
be NO EXCUSES when the late fee is applied Feb 1st. It is the owners responsibility to keep the office current on address.
The new 2005 Executive Board consists of: Tim Cushing-President,
Eva Miller- Vice President, Virginia Woods-Treasures. Other Board members include: James & Katherine Hoelzel, Leo
& June Hamilton, Lydia Pearce, Charles Johnston, Vicki Delgado, David Burt and Shirley Burt. Congradulations to our New
Burglaries have been up. So don't take chances. Condense your trash, lock all windows and doors, report strangers to 911,
and keep lights and noise on inside your house. Watch out for your neighbors. Call if you don't see them for a few days. Be
more alert as cold weather and snow are possible. Help your neighbors who cannot get out. This is our first line of defense.
Christmas Decoration Contest Winners will be voted on at the Jan meeting. SNOW POLICY: We follow the school closure policy.
If school was called due to snow we are cancelled,also. Don't forget your pets- the cold effects them,too.
The K-Mart Recycling Center is a priviledge for our area. The hours are wed-fri 11am-5:30 and sat 8-4. Thank Ms Jackie
for her on going efforts and call our city officials and let them know how imprtant this center is to us and our community.
Have a Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous 2005.
April Cushing