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APRIL - JUNE 2005 Advocate Articles

June 30, 2005

Calendar of Events
30--Belton Farmers Market,Square Dance Display 6-8pm. Market opens at 4:30 between Main St and Railroad tracks on Walnut St.
JULY 2-Reading in the Park-Ruskin Way Park at 10am. CANCELLED TILL NEXT YEAR due to mess in Park.
7-- Hills Meeting at Symington School at 7pm.
12- Ruskin Heights Meeting,7pm at Hillcrest Community Center.
12-BIN Day
18-CAC-Grandparents Support Group from noon-1:30pm at 10901 Blue Ridge Blvd.Sponsored by Cildrens Mercy Family Friends Group. Call to reserve your place today at 763-3277.
18-"Vision of Old Hickman Mills" Meeting,7pm at Hillcrest Community Center. For more info call David Odneal at 816-761-7196.

FREE eye glasses and exams for children 4-12 years old, without eye insurance--Swope Health Svcs 816-923-5800 for times and days. HURRY offer expires July 15,2005.

Bulky is ONLY oversized household items: couches, stoves etc. Boxes and bags are considered household trash NO MATTER what household things are in them and will have to have a sticker like our other household trash to get picked up. BULKY should ONLY be out the day before NOT weeks. Yard waste will NOT be picked up. Leaf & Limb drop off site is ONLY open on Saturdays from 8am-6pm. Citations will be given through Neighborhood Preservation for limbs in the yard.

Our website is .Check us out today.
CPS Security is 765-0070. Mediation is 881-1812.
Vacation watch forms for our security are available at the office. Signed forms need to be handed in BEFORE your vacation.

Another local website to check:

Here is a sign I saw this last week. 'A parents life is a childs guidebook.'..........April Cushing

June 23, 2005

Calendar of Events
25- Brush Day at Ruskin Way Park 10a-2p. Disabled may call for assistance at 763-5244 and leave a detailed message with name , phone and address. This is sponsored by our neighborhood ACORN. Thank-you for helping with our community.
26- Walk for Life, Longview Lake at Shelter 10 at 1 pm. Come with pledges or walk as much as you wish. Hot dogs will be served after the walk.
27- CCO St. Matthew's Apostle, 8001 Longview Rd, 7 pm.
JULY 2- Reading in the Park. Ruskin Way Park at 10 am. Accompanied children can enjoy story, fun and song.
12- Our next Ruskin Heights Home Ass'n Board Meeting at 7 pm at Hillcrest Community Center.

Calling all volunteers: We will have vacancies on the Board of Directors. Elections will be held at our November meeting. Call the office for the procedure. Now is the time to get involved. The winners of the June Yard of the Month are John and Grace Moore at 7507 E. 111th Terr. and Judith Safly at 7301 E. 108th St. Congradulations! All paid up members are elligle.

CPS Security is 765-0070. Mediation is 881-1812.

Community Assistance Council (CAC) is hosting a Grandparent/Relative Care Givers' Support Group on Monday, July 18, from noon to 1:30 pm. This is sponsored by Children's Mercy Family Freinds Group. Call to reserve your place today at 763-3277.

ALERT- The cupboards are bare. CAC is also in need of everything for the food pantry. Remember them when you go to the store.

Thanks again to ACORN for spearheading the limb dumpsters at Ruskin Way Park this Sat. from 10 am to 2 pm. The Leaf and Brush site is back to only Saturday hours at 8 am to 6 pm. There has been so much that every amount of help does make a difference.

Our website is at We have extra copies of the Advocate at the office for elligible owners and renters. It is important to know what is going on in our community and take advantage of opportunities available.

Not knowing is no excuse. We ALL have to work together for a better tomorrow.
April Cushing

June 16, 2005

Calendar of Events
18- READING in the PARK,10am, Ruskin Way Park. Accompanied children are welcome to enjoy story, song and fun.
19--Father's Day.
26-Walk for LIFE, Longview Lake Shelter 10 at 1pm.
27- CCO-St Matthew's Apostle, 8001 Longview Rd,7pm.
30--Belton Farmers Market,Square Dance Display 6-8pm. Market opens at 4:30 between Main St and Railroad tracks on Walnut St.
July 12--- is our next Ruskin Heights Meeting,7pm at Hillcrest Community Center.

Our Bi-Annual Homeowners Meeting was full of useful information. The new trash service, the school district improvements, our parks and the spraypool status were all discussed. A call for new Board Members was made along with nominations for Yard of the Month Contest. Paid up members are eligible to win for yard beautification. Elections for the Board will be at
our Next Homeowner meeting in November for 2006.

There will be more rain barrel classes at the Bannister Recycle Site. Watch for the next date.

Community Assistance Council (CAC) is always in need of food and personal care items in the summer. Hours are Monday through Friday 9am-1pm or by appointment 763-3277.

If you need a mower for your yard we are getting a list of people at the office. Feel free to call and try one out.

We are here to serve and inform our area. Our job can only be as useful as you want us to be. It takes ALL of US, working TOGETHER to make any changes. Pass the word to your neighbors to check us out on the web . We can put the information out there but we cann't make them read it. Be interested in your area, courteous to your neighbor and if we all cooperate this CAN be a better place.

'Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.'Muriel Strode..........April Cushing

June 9, 2005

Calendar of Events
10,11,&12-Jazz in the Park. Free Concert at 9401 Indian Creek Parkway, Overland Park,KS. Bring lawn chair or blanket and help support the efforts of the Rotary.
14--Our Bi-annual HOMEOWNERS MEETING for RUSKIN HEIGHTS, 7pm at Hillcrest Comm Center.
15--SPECIAL Southern Community Coalition Meeting,7pm at Baptiste Education Center featuring CHIEF OF POLICE James Corwin will give a special presentation to the community. Help us pack the meeting.
18- READING in the PARK,10am, Ruskin Way Park. Accompanied children are welcome to enjoy story, song and fun.
26-Walk for LIFE,Longview Lake Shelter 10 at 1pm.

Our JUNE 14 BI-ANNUAl HOMEOWNER MEETING will be at Hillcrest Community Center at 7pm. We will have reports on trash, the Schools and our Parks. This is your chance to speak up.
Illegal dumping is 513-3485.
CPS Security is 765-0070.

Be aware of the hot and humid days. Have plenty of water available for your pets. Stay in the shade and don't overwork. Check on neighbors frequently.

Don't forget summer school has started for some. There is the library reading program and Hillcrest Community Center still has some spaces. Enjoy the summer. Look around there are many things to do in the community.

Leaf & brush can be taken to the Dump Site at 470 & Raytown Rd. Saturdays ONLY from 8am-6pm. Persons with a KC drivers licence dumps FREE. Tires are not collected by the City. Bulky does not come till the 18th. Please DO NOT put things out so far ahead. City houses will be mowed soon. We are under the City Trash Service NOW with a TUESDAY pick-up of two (40 lb) plastic bags at the curb with NO charge. EXTRA bags need the sticker from (KC) Price Chopper. If you are still confused about how it works just call the office.

The Town Hall Meeting held last Saturday at Benjamin Ranch was a sucess. City, County, and State Officials were keeping us up to date on what is happening in our area. Some of the many topics included exciting news about Richards Gerbaur, MetroGreen paths being started and concerns about school funding. The bbq was delicious. Thank you Representative Brown and all the Sponsors for a very informative time.

Our website is:

'The best way to forget your own problems is to help someone else solve theirs.'..........April Cushing

June 2, 2005

Calendar of Events:

1-"BIN DAY"-- trash delay because of Holiday.
3-RSVP for Bridge the Gap Volunteer Orientation for Wed June 8.
4-TOWN HALL MEETING meet your Governmental Officials from 10-2 at Benjamin Ranch.
4-"Rain Barrel Class" Bannister Recycle Center $40.00 fee, 10am.
8-Bridge the Gap Volunteer Orientation,6-8:30pm at 435 Westport Rd-2nd floor Conference Rm.
14--Our Bi-annual HOMEOWNERS MEETING for RUSKIN HEIGHTS, 7pm at Hillcrest Comm Center.
15--SPECIAL Southern Community Coalition Meeting,7pm at Baptiste Education Center featuring CHIEF OF POLICE James Corwin will give a special presentation to the community. Help us pack the meeting.

READING IN THE PARK, a new Association project, will begin Saturday,June 4 at Ruskin Way Park from 1:30 to 3pm. Accompanied children will be read to in different age groups. This program will be the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of June and July. Join us for story, song and fun. Any questions call the office.

CALLING ALL VOLUNTEERS: Bridging the Gap is having a volunteer Orientation Wed June 8 from 6-8:30 at 435 Westport, 2nd floor Conference Rm. This will be for old and new volunteers with information on improving neighborhoods with Keep Kansas City Beauttiful, ecological restoration projects with KC Wetlands, as well as helping at the Center. For questions or to RSVP call Laura O'Brien at 816-561-1090.

Our JUNE 14 BI-ANNUAl HOMEOWNER MEETING will be at Hillcrest Community Center at 7pm. TONYA DAVIS from Environmental Management will be our guest to answer more trash questions. Be sure to bring all your questions and concerns. John Sharp will bring us up to date on the school district,and the Parks Department will talk about OUR Parks. CPS Security is 765-0070.

CONGRADULATION AGAIN to ALL our Graduates. We are proud of all your hard work and dedication. Good Luck in your future endeavors.

TRASH on 107th and Bennington will only get one pick-up. The RUSKIN side will be picked-up on TUESDAYS and the KANSAS CITY side is FRIDAY. Be alert to "your" side because your trash pick-up depends on it. VIOLATION stickers have been put on EXTRA bags. They will need the PAYMENT sticker from Price Chopper(KC) for each EXTRA BAG.REMEMBER THIS WEEK TRASH IS ONE DAY LATE BECAUSE OF THE HOLIDAY. Leaf & Brush is open every Saturday from 8-6pm. Take advantage of one of our many CITY Services .

Community Assistance Council is in need of paper goods, personal care items, macaroni & cheese,spaghetti and sauce. Any help is appreciated. The need is highest during the summer when school is out.

Our website is: Keep up with the latest news. Check the Advocate Article Archive for our complete article and the many Community Links. There is a wealth of information for everyone. EXTRA copies of the Advocate are at the Office. Call or come by today.

'A walk of 100 miles begins with just ONE step.'..........April Cushing

May 24, 2005

Calendar of Events:
28-Longview Beach at Longview Lake OPENS.
30 Memorial Day
1-"BIN DAY"-- trash delay because of Holiday.
14--Our Bi-annual HOMEOWNERS MEETING for RUSKIN HEIGHTS, 7pm at Hillcrest Community Center.
15--SPECIAL Southern Community Coalition Meeting at 7 pm at Baptiste Education Center featuring CHIEF OF POLICE James Corwin will give a special presentation to the community. Help us pack the meeting.

Our JUNE 14 BI-ANNUAL HOMEOWNER MEETING will be at Hillcrest Community Center at 7pm. TONYA DAVIS from Environmental Management will be our guest to answer more trash questions. Be sure to bring all your questions and concerns. John Sharpe will bring us up to date on the School district, and the Parks Department will talk about OUR Parks. Your Dues have gone to postpone the change in trash service this year, The Advocate, evening security and an Office. Your first line for questions and concerns is the office. We are developing better relationships with the City, community leaders and the school District. Continue to help us help you by coming to meetings, and sharing comments. CPS Security is 765-0070.

READING IN THE PARK, a new Association project, will begin Saturday, June 4 at Ruskin Way Park from 1:30 to 3pm. Accompanied children will be read to in different age groups. This program will be the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of June and July. Join us for story, song and fun. Any questions call the office.

Parking in the streets is becoming a problem. Be alert -check for children at play and make sure there is room for emergency vehicles. The fire and EMT need to be able to get through.

MEMORIAL Day-Remember our Heroes of Freedom. Thank a Veteran for their many sacrifices in support of our Country.

CONGRADULATIONS to ALL our Graduates. We are proud of all your hard work and dedication. Good Luck in your future endeavors.

TRASH on 107th and Bennington will only get one pick-up. The RUSKIN side will be picked-up on TUESDAYS and the KANSAS CITY side is FRIDAY. Be alert to "your" side because your trash pick-up depends on it. VIOLATION stickers have been put on EXTRA bags. They will need the PAYMENT sticker from Price Chopper(KC) for each EXTRA BAG.

Community Assistance Council is in need of paper goods, personal care items, macaroni & cheese, spaghetti and sauce. Any help is appreciated. The need is highest during the summer when school is out.

Our website is: Keep up with the latest news. Check the Advocate Article Archive for our complete article and the many Community Links. There is a wealth of information for everyone. EXTRA copies of the Advocate are at the Office. Call or come by today.

"You never saw a fish on the wall with its mouth shut."..........April Cushing

May 17, 2005

Calendar of Events:
21-Grandview Farmers Market,8th and Main St.
23-Church Community Organization Meeting at St Matthew Apostle, 7pm,8001 Longview Rd.
23++-Library Summer Reading Program Starts at the Library; "Dragons, Dreams and Daring Deeds" abound. Join in on the fun. Read to Earn extra books. Check them out today.
26-Last Day of School for CSD-1.
28-Longview Beach at Longview Lake OPENS.
30 Memorial Day
June 1-"BIN DAY"-- delay because of Holiday.
June 14--Our Bi-annual HOMEOWNERS MEETING for RUSKIN HEIGHTS, 7pm at Hillcrest Comm Center.

Officially we DID START the City Recycle Program Tuesday,May 3. Grace is over. Now comes the moment of truth!! If you notice a neighbor with trouble concerning the NEW TRASH System--PLEASE let them know. We are allowed 2(40 lb) bags of household trash with NO EXTRA charge. Bags only at the curb. More than 2(40lb)bags will need a sticker for pick-up. The bins and extra stickers can be obtained at (KC) Price Chopper on Blue Ridge and 95th St. Recycle materials include paper in most all forms, tin food cans, aluminum cans, plastic bottles with a cap neck- (soda bottles, milk jugs, laundry soap bottles).**Our next BIN DAY will be WEDNESDAY JUNE 1-due to holiday.** GLASS is NOT ALLOWED this can be taken to the Bannister Center along with anything else the curbside service will NOT take. The household trash and recycles should be put in different places at the curb. The BLUE BIN will designate the RECYCLES so you may put other boxes, sacks around it and they will all be taken. The normal truck will pick up the regular plastic household bags. ALL of Ruskin Heights and Village will be picked up on TUESDAYS. If you have any questions call the Office. The illegal dumping number is 513-3485.

Our JUNE 14 BI-ANNUAl HOMEOWNER MEETING will be at Hillcrest Community Center at 7pm. TONYA DAVIS from Environmental Management will be our guest to answer more trash questions. Be sure to bring all your questions and concerns. Your Dues have gone to postpone the change in trash service this year, The Advocate, evening security and an Office. Your first line for questions and concerns is the office. We are developing better relationships with the City, community leaders and the school District. Continue to help us help you by coming to meetings, and sharing comments.CPS Security is 765-0070.

READING IN THE PARK, a new Association project, will begin Saturday,June 4 at Ruskin Way Park from 1:30 to 3:00 pm. Accompanied children will be read to in different age groups. This program will be the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of June and July. Join us for story, song and fun. Any questions call the office.

Parking in the streets is becoming a problem. Be alert -check for children at play and make sure there is room for emergency vehicles. The fire and EMT need to be able to get through.

Leaf and limb pick-up is over . The remaining materials are the owners responsibility. Use the Drop-off center at 470 & Raytown Rd. Saturdays only 8-6 pm. KC Drivers license lets you dump for no charge. Help us clean up the neighborhood.

Our website is: Keep up with the latest news. Check the Advocate Article Archive for our complete article and the many Community Links. There is a wealth of information for everyone. EXTRA copies of the Advocate are at the Office. Call or come by today.

"There is no such thing in anyone's life as an unimportant day." Alexander Woollcott, (Long,Long Ago)..........April Cushing

MAY 11, 2005

Calendar of Events:
14-Grandview Farmers Market,8th and Main.
11-14 Plant/Seed Exchange at Bannister Recycle Center,from 11-5:30(W-F), and 8-4 on Saturday.Bring plants, seedlings or seeds to share with your neighbors. Take home some new plants to add to your garden.
17-"BIN DAY"
18-Last Southern Community Coalition for the summer,7pm,Baptiste Ed Center.
18- BULKY pick-up for all of Heights, Village and Hills.
23-Church Community Organization Meeting at St Matthew Apostle, 7pm,8001 Longview Rd.
23++-Library Summer Reading Program Starts at the Library; "Dragons, Dreams and Daring Deeds" abound. Join in on the fun. Read to Earn extra books. Check them out today.
26-Last Day of School for CSD-1.
28-Longview Beach at Longview Lake OPENS.
30 Memorial Day
June 1-BIN DAY-- delay because of Holiday.
June 14--Our Bi-annual HOMEOWNERS MEETING for RUSKIN HEIGHTS, 7pm at Hillcrest Comm Center.

Officially we DID START the City Recycle Program Tuesday,May 3. We are allowed 2(40 lb) bags of household trash with NO EXTRA charge. Bags only at the curb. More than 2(40lb)bags will need a sticker for pick-up.The bins and extra stickers can be obtained at (KC) Price Chopper on Blue Ridge and 95th St. Recycle materials include paper in most all forms, tin food cans, aluminum cans, plastic bottles with a cap neck- (soda bottles, milk jugs, laundry soap bottles).**Our next BIN DAY will be TUESDAY,MAY 17.** GLASS is NOT ALLOWED this can be taken to the Bannister Center along with anything else the curbside service will NOT take. The household trash and recycles should be put in different places at the curb. The BLUE BIN will designate the RECYCLES so you may put other boxes, sacks around it and they will all be taken. The normal truck will pick up the regular plastic household bags. ALL of Ruskin Heights and Village will be picked up on TUESDAYS. If you have any questions call the Office. The illegal dumping number is 513-3485.

School will be out soon. Basketball Goals in the STREET can be dangerous. Courtesy should be shown by all parties. When goals become a problem, the Police and Security will be informed. Yes, our youth need something to do, but we ALL need to play by the rules.

Summer Camp in the Park at Hillcrest Community Center at 784-7000 and even the YMCA have Summer Camps 913-345-9622 or for more information. The are many opportunities for summer fun. Enjoy our area.

The Paint Program is back in a limited manner. Check with the Office for criteria and application.

Please be alert to extra tall-unmowed grass, obviously rutted yards from car traffic and unsanitary conditions which includes -waste bags at the side of a house, bulky put out too early, consistant mis-understanding about new trash service and moving debris. If we begin to treat the neighborhood as if our Mother lived next door -would we like it? All occupants need to be more considerate. Letters are being sent out to offenders. We do want our neighborhood to look cleaner. It starts with one house at a time.

Our website is: Keep up with the latest news. Check the Advocate Article Archive for our complete article and the many Community Links. There is a wealth of information for everyone. EXTRA copies of the Advocate are at the Office. Call or come by today.

"Why does a slight tax increase cost you $200 and a substantial tax cut save you thirty cents?"-Peg Bracken..........April Cushing

May 4, 2005

Calendar of Events:
7-Grandview Farmers Market Begins,8th and Main, & KENTUCKY DERBY.
10-RUSKIN HEIGHTS MEETING,7pm,Hillcrest Community Center
11-14 Plant/Seed Exchange at Bannister Recycle Center,from 11-5:30(W-F), and 8-4 on Saturday.Bring plants, seedlings or seeds to share with your neighbors. Take home some new plants to add to your garden.
17-"BIN DAY"
18- BULKY pick-up for all of Heights, Village and Hills. Also, the last Southern Community Coalition Meeting before Summer break,7pm at Baptiste Ed Center.
23++-Library Summer Reading Program Starts at the Library; "Dragons, Dreams and Daring Deeds" abound. Join in on the fun. Read to Earn extra books. Check them out today.
26-Last Day of School for CSD-1.
30-Church Community Organization Meeting at St Matthew Apostle, 7pm,8001 Longview Rd. Information on possible home improvement money from the City.
June 14--Our Bi-annual HOMEOWNERS MEETING for Heights, 7pm at Hillcrest Comm Center.

We started the Recycle Program TUESDAY May 3.Due to circumstances beyond our control the coupons and more instructions did not arrive until the day before. We are allowed 2(40 lb) bags of household trash with NO EXTRA charge. Bags only at the curb. More than 2(40lb)bags will need a sticker for pick-up.The bins and extra stickers can be obtained at the Price Chopper on Blue Ridge and 95th St. Recycle materials include paper in most all forms, tin food cans, aluminum cans, plastic bottles with a cap neck- (soda bottles, milk jugs, laundry soap bottles).**Our next BIN DAY will be TUESDAY,MAY 17.** GLASS is NOT ALLOWED this can be taken to the Bannister Center along with anything else the curbside service will NOT take. The household trash and recycles should be put in different places at the curb. The BLUE BIN will designate the RECYCLES so you may put other boxes, sacks around it and they will all be taken. The normal truck will pick up the regular plastic household bags. ALL of Ruskin Heights and Village will be picked up on TUESDAYS. If you have any questions call the Office. The illegal dumping number is 513-3485. Curbside Leaf & Limb Pick-up has been completed. It is now the responsibility of the homeowner to get rid of the materials at the L&B site at 470 & Raytown Rd. The City will start to ticket in our area soon so help us finish cleaning the area.

Community Assistance Council is in need of personal care products to include toilet paper, soap, dish detergent, toothbrushes,etc as well as spaghetti and noodles. Please do not forget them. The summer time really stresses the "cupboard'. Call 763-3277 for more details.

The Library Summer Reading Program looks really exciting. Dragons, Dreams & Daring Deeds starts May 23-August 13. READ library books to EARN paperbacks to keep. What a wonderful pastime for children in the summer can be your magic carpet to a vacation without leaving town.

Our website is: Keep up with the latest news. Check the Advocate Article Archive and the many Community Links. There is a wealth of information for everyone. EXTRA copies of the Advocate are at the Office. Call or come by today.

"The best thing to do behing a friend's back is pat it."...Ruth Brillhart..........April Cushing

April 28,2005

Calendar of Events:
5-Ruskin Hills Meeting,7pm, Community Center.
7-Grandview Farmers Market Begins,8th and Main.
10-RUSKIN HEIGHTS MEETING,7pm,Hilllcrest Community Center
11-14 Plant/Seed Exchange at Bannister Recycle Center.
23++-Library Summer Reading Program Starts.
26-Last Day of School for CSD-1.

We are joining the Recycle Program STARTING TUESDAY May 3.Due to circumstances beyond our control the coupons and more instructions should be in the mail.If you DO NOT RECEIVE them by Saturday, April 30 call the Office Monday,May 2. Until then here are the main points. We are allowed 2(40 lb) bags of household trash with NO EXTRA charge. Bags only at the curb. More than 2(40lb)bags will need a sticker for pick-up. Recycle materials include paper in most all forms, tin food cans, aluminum cans, plastic bottles with a cap neck- (soda bottles, milk jugs, laundry soap bottles). GLASS is NOT ALLOWED this can be taken to the Bannister Center along with anything else the curbside service will NOT take. The household trash and recycles should be put in different places at the curb. The BLUE BIN will designate the RECYCLES so you may put other boxes, sacks around it and they will all be taken. The normal truck will pick up the regular plastic household bags. ALL of Ruskin Heights and Village will be picked up on TUESDAYS. If you have any questions call the Office. The illegal dumping number is 513-3485.

Community Assistance Council is in need of personal care products to include toilet paper, soap, dish detergent, toothbrushes,etc as well as spaghetti and noodles. Please do not forget them. The summer time really stresses the "cupboard'. Call 763-3277 for more details.

The Library Summer Reading Program looks really exciting. Dragons, Dreams & Daring Deeds starts May 23-August 13. READ library books to EARN paperbacks to keep. What a wonderful pastime for children in the summer can be your magic carpet to a vacation without leaving town.

Southern Community Coalition was very interesting. Parks & Rec talked about Metrogreen. This is a special sytem of bike/walking trails that are coming to various parts of Kansas City.What a neat idea. Parts of Katy Trail have already been done and have been a tremendous sucess. For more information on this check the web at:

Our website is: Keep up with the latest news. Check the Advocate Article Archive and the many Community Links. There is a wealth of information for everyone. EXTRA copies of the Advocate are at the Office. Call or come by today.

For the next quarter we will have double security. Metropolitan Patrol at 816-842-4040 and CPS Security at 765-0070 will both cover our area. If you have any issues call the office. Vacation watches are available also. This may really help us with the summer.

"Courage is contagious. When a brave person takes a stand, the spines of others are stiffened"-Billy Graham ..........April Cushing

April 20, 2005

Calendar of Events:
18-Bulky Pick-up for Hills, HEIGHTS, and Village.
20-Southern Community Coalition, 7pm, Baptiste Ed Center.
22-EARTH Day-Plant a tree.
23-EARTH Day 35th Anniversary Activities at Shawnee Mission Park.
25-CCO Meeting at St Matthew Apostle, 7pm, 8001 Longview Rd.
-----Curbside PICK-UP OF Paper yard bags and bundled branches.
26-Codes'101',6-8pm,4900 Swope Pkwy-1st Floor conference Rm. Call Patrick to RSVP 816-513-9033 by April 19.
28-Hillcrest Community Center Advisory Council, 6:30pm, Community Center.
5-Ruskin Hills Meeting,7pm, Community Center.
7-Grandview Farmers Market Begins,8th and Main.
10-RUSKIN HEIGHTS MEETING,7pm, Community Center
11-14 Plant/Seed Exchange at Bannister Recycle Center.
23++-Library Summer Reading Program Starts.
26-Last Day of School for CSD-1.

We have now started to get the green postcards from the City concerning trash service change. Yes, we are joining the Recycle Program STARTING TUESDAY May 3. Coupons and more instructions should be following this week in the mail. Until then here are the main points. We are allowed 2(40 lb) bags of household trash with NO EXTRA charge. Bags only at the curb. Recycle materials include paper in most all forms, tin food cans, aluminum cans, plastic bottles with a cap neck- (soda bottles, milk jugs, laundry soap bottles). GLASS is NOT ALLOWED this can be taken to the Bannister Center along with anything else the curbside service will NOT take. The household trash and recycles should be put in different places at the curb. The BLUE BIN will designate the RECYCLES so you may put other boxes, sacks around it and they will all be taken. The normal truck will pick up the regular plastic household bags. ALL of Ruskin Heights and Village will be picked up on TUESDAYS. If you have any questions call the Office. Leaf & Limb curb-side has made an early pick-up. If they do NOT make it through again on our day call the Office. PAPER BAGS ONLY, NO PLASTIC. Plastic WILL NOT be picked-up.
Coupons for the Recycle Bins are in the mail. Redeem yours today---Tuesday, May 3 is fast approaching.Illegal dumping number is 513-3485.

Community Assistance Council is in need of personal care products to include toilet paper, soap, dish detergent, toothbrushes,etc as well as spaghetti and noodles. Please do not forget them. The summer time really stresses the "cupboard'. Call 763-3277 for more details.

The Library Summer Reading Program looks really exciting .Dragons, Dreams & Daring Deeds starts May 23-August 13. READ library books to EARN paperbacks to keep. What a wonderful pastime for children in the summer can be your magic carpet to a vacation without leaving town.

Summer is also BASKETBALL SEASON. Keep the goals out of the street. Be courteous to cars and players alike. Parks and driveways are safer. Watch constantly for children out for the summer.
Report offensive goal locations to the office.

Our website is: Keep up with the latest news. Check the Advocate Article Archive and the many Community Links. There is a wealth of information for everyone. EXTRA copies of the Advocate are at the Office. Call or come by today.

For the next quarter we will have double security. Metropolitan Patrol at 816-842-4040 and CPS Security at 765-0070 will both cover our area. If you have any issues call the office. Vacation watches are available also. This may really help us with the summer.

Our Church Community Organization that meets at St. Matthew Apostle,8001 Longview Rd, will begin discussions about the possible Home Improvement Monies that the City is working on for our area. Come and be a part of our community and the evaulation process. The next meeting is MONDAY, April 25 at 7pm. Come a little early and talk with your neighbors. This is always very informative.

"If you think you're too small to make a difference, you haven't been in bed with a mosquito." Anita Roddick ..........April Cushing

April 13, 2005

Calendar of Events:
April 14-Last Spray-pool Meeting at 6 pm at Hillcrest Community Center.
18-Bulky Pick-up for Hills, HEIGHTS, and Village.
20-Southern Community Coalition, 7pm, Baptiste Ed Center.
22-EARTH Day-Plant a tree.
23-EARTH Day 35th Anniversary Activities at Shawnee Mission Park.
25-CCO Meeting at St Matthew Apostle, 7pm, 8001 Longview Rd.
-----Curbside PICK-UP OF Paper yard bags and bundled branches.
26-Codes'101',6-8pm,4900 Swope Pkwy-1st Floor conference Rm. Call Patrick to RSVP 816-513-9033 by April 19.
28-Hillcrest Community Center Advisory Council, 6:30pm, Community Center.
5-Ruskin Hills Meeting,7pm, Comm Center.
7-Grandview Farmers Market Begins,8th and Main.
11-14 Plant/Seed Exchange at Bannister Recycle Center.
26-Last Day of School for CSD-1.

We have now started to get the green postcards from the City concerning trash service change. Yes, we are joining the Recycle Program STARTING TUESDAY May 3. Coupons and more instructions should be following soon in the mail. Until then here is the main points. We are allowed 2(40 lb) bags of household trash with NO EXTRA charge. Bags only at the curb. Recycle materials include paper in most all forms, tin food cans, aluminum cans, plastic bottles with a cap neck- (soda bottles, milk jugs, laundry soap bottles). GLASS is NOT ALLOWED this can be taken to the Bannister Center along with anything else the curbside service will NOT take. The household trash and recycles should be put in different places at the curb. The BLUE BIN will designate the RECYCLES so you may put other boxes, sacks around it and they will all be taken. The normal truck will pick up the regular plastic household bags. ALL of Ruskin Heights and Village will be picked up on TUESDAYS. If you have any questions call the Office.

Leaf and Limb Curb-side Pick-up for Heights and Village will be April 25. Put your bags out the day before. The rest of the limbs can be taken to the Drop Site at 470 and Raytown Rd open only on Saturdays from 8-6pm. Please help us to clean up the area. Tickets will be given to areas NOT cleaned up.

EXTRA Copies of the ADVOCATE are at the Office. If you have a neighbor who doesn't get it /or is a renter have them come and get one. We all need to get on the information highway to keep up.

The Splash Pool at the old Y location on Longview is progressing quickly. The last public meeting will be Thursday, April 14, 6pm at Hillcrest Community Center. Many ideas have come up and it will really be an asset to our community. Projected completion is before end of summer. Fantastic!

If you have a group that would like to do Community Service we need some help to get some projects going. Call the office anytime and leave a message. We all need to work together to take back our area. We are at a stage wherever project counts, no matter the size.

School will be out soon. Watch for our children at play. They are our resource for tomorrow. Be cautious as you drive around our area. Summer school starts June 6-July 1. There is also Camp in the Park sponsored by Parks & Rec. Call Hillcrest Community Center for more details at 784-7000.

KC Parks & Recreation have opened the Park at Longview Lake for camping and the swimming season will open May 28. Make your plans now to enjoy our many resources close to our area.

Our website is: . The latest news is always as close as your fingertips. Keep the office up on address changes and property transfers. Late fees occur when the office is left out. The Collection Committee is hard at work. It is the right of the Home Association to assess liens on properties that are delinquent. Please call the Office and make payment arrangements. The Welcome Committee is hard at work getting merchant interest and putting a welcome book together. We have many areas of involvement in our Board. Be a part of the action. Come to a meeting and meet the NEW BOARD.

"If you think you're too small to make a difference, you haven't been in bed with a mosquito." Anita Roddick ..........April Cushing

April 6, 2005

Calendar of Events:
April 12-Ruskin HEIGHTS Meeting,7pm Hillcrest Comm Center.
18-BULKY PICK-UP for Heights, Village and Hills.
20- Southern Comm Coalition, Baptiste Ed Center, 7pm.
22-Earth Day-plant a tree!
25-CCO Meeting at St Matthew Apostle,8001 Longview Rd,7pm.
CURBSIDE LEAF & Limb pick-up by City for Ruskin Heights and Village.
NO more than 15 paper bags or bundles of limbs at the CURB.
28-Hillcrest Comm Center Advisory Council,6:30pm,Hillcrest .
5-Ruskin Hills Meeting,7pm,Hillcrest Comm Center.
10-Ruskin HEIGHTS Meeting,7pm,Hillcrest.

April Saturday's at the Filling Station Restaurant will continue with the Swap n Shop from 8am-2pm at 11515 Hickman Mills Dr. Bring your own tables to the back lot to enjoy the company. Food Specials will be inside.

For anyone who is interested in finding more out about City Maintenance & Nuisance Codes. There will be a training course(Codes 101)Tues April 26 from 6-8pm at the Neighborhood Preservation Office at 4900 Swope Pkwy 1st floor Conference Room. Call Patrick Egberuare to RSVP at 816-513-9033 by April 19.

Hope Learning Centeer will be offering a program at St. Matthew Apostle(8001 Longview Rd) for those who have trouble reading and writing. This program is geared for ages high school to adult. Meeting times will be on Monday evenings from 7-9pm. Call 816-246-8951 for more information or to register.

EARTH DAY Events can be checked at This is the 35th Anniversary so there will be a walk and exhibits at Shawnee Mission Park Saturday April 23. Check the site for more interesting details.

Our website is : Keep up on'what's happening' in our area. There are many new programs and ideas being put forward. Help us make this a better area to live. The Spraypool is coming along through the planning stages quickly and many small projects are expected to start soon. We are definitely 'Under Construction'.

Extra papers are now being delivered to the Office for those who didn't get theirs or for rentors to get our website. Call or stop by Monday - Friday 9-3. Information is power so be sure you get yours today.

Our next meeting will cover discussion on Recycling and security concerns Tues, April 12, 7pm at Hillcrst Community Center. Mark your calendars to attend.

The Leaf & Brush site at 470 & Raytown Rd is open Saturdays ONLY 8am-6pm. KC residents -no charge. The illegal dumping number is 513-3485.

It is easier to go down a hill than up, but the view is from the top.
April Cushing


Ruskin Heights Homes Association * PO 9697* Kansas City * Mo 64134


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